De-Stressing for Work

It’s probably a safe bet to say that all of us deal with stress in the workplace.  Yes? The amount of stress we are under varies from day to day depending on deadlines, commitments, mood, energy-level, frustration level, and so on.  The amount of stress we’re under correspondingly affects our productivity, efficiency, creativity, and attitude. And what good is it if when you do achieve your goals you can’t enjoy the results due to lingering stress? 

At today’s monthly “Business Builders” program, we discussed ways to reduce and overcome stress in the workplace.  Attendees learned, among other things, that the “digitalized” world we live in today makes us more prone to distractions and unwanted correspondence that contribute to a significant increase in stress levels in the workplace.
If you were unable to attend today’s session, don’t stress over it!  By popular demand, we will be covering this topic again at our next “Business Builders” program in March.  For more information or to register, please visit our website at  Learn how you can be proactive in reducing stress in your workplace.

Posted in Mindset

Today’s Motivation:

  • Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, “I’m possible”!