Blog Archives

Accountability Ally Part 2

In an earlier blog, we talked about the importance of utilizing an “accountability ally” for increased productivity in your business.  Did you ever think of yourself as an “accountability ally” for your team?  You should hold yourself to the same

Posted in Accountability

Utilizing an Accountability Ally

In your business, to whom are you held accountable?  It’s no secret that productivity levels are higher when we are held accountable.  Whether you have a board of directors or a personal business coach, utilizing a trusted “accountability ally” can

Posted in Accountability

Setting The Tone For Meetings

Do you too often find meetings boring, unproductive, repetitive, or incapable of holding your attention?  If so, did you know that YOU may be the reason for that – whether you’re running the meeting or not?! Your frame-of-mind going into

Posted in Accountability, Mindset, Planning, Team

Today’s Motivation:

  • Whether easy or difficult, all taskes should be approached with the same fervor.