Blog Archives

No Shortcuts

When it comes to achieving true success, there are no shortcuts.  Having a vision of what you want your future to be is not enough.  Simply wishing, hoping, and, yes, even praying does not do it.  We must take the

Posted in Goal Setting, Mindset, Planning

Stressed by the Pandemic?

What impact has the pandemic had on focus, desire, and hope of you, your team, and your business?  If you have experienced or are experiencing less than positivity, you are not alone.  Every business and person I’ve talked to has

Posted in Goal Setting, Mindset, Planning

Don’t Stop Now!

I hope this finds you well and in good spirit. As we continue to adjust, I encourage you to continue to advertise and promote your business as you would have done prior to the pandemic.  NOW is the time to

Posted in Advertising, Cash Flow, Planning

Now is the time to…

How many times have you and I said, “I haven’t had time to…” or “I didn’t have time to…” or “I’ve been too busy to…”?  Well, it seems as though for most of us we will have the time over

Posted in Goal Setting, Planning, Time Management

Setting The Tone For Meetings

Do you too often find meetings boring, unproductive, repetitive, or incapable of holding your attention?  If so, did you know that YOU may be the reason for that – whether you’re running the meeting or not?! Your frame-of-mind going into

Posted in Accountability, Mindset, Planning, Team

Today’s Motivation:

  • Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.