Vision Or Action?

Which is more critical to success – vision or action?  Do you remember when you first started your business or career choice?  Most likely, you had a clear vision of what your future would hold by pursuing that path.  Undoubtedly you were excited and energized by the possibilities, but it did not stop there, did it?  Image result for vision or actionRather than sitting around dreaming of what might be, you took action. With no doubts, fears, foreseeable obstacles, or any negative thoughts holding you back, you pressed on.  And progress was made – yes? Along the way, though, the vision probably became less clear as it was clouded by challenges and obstacles – especially from people who do not share that same vision.  As a result, your actions may have become less deliberate and you probably had the feeling you were spinning wheels as you were simply just trying to get through each day. Losing sight of our original vision, we lose our drive and motivation to press on and our actions are often pointless.  This leads to disappointment and even failure.

However, if you stay focused on your vision and take action by focusing on what will get you closer to it, then you will achieve and even exceed your dreams.  Heed help with that? I work with people just like you holding them accountable for staying focused. Because, in the words of Joel Barker:

“Vision without action is simply a dream.  Action without vision is passing time. Vision with action can change the world.”

Posted in Goal Setting, Mindset, Planning

Today’s Motivation:

  • Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.