Are You In The Same Boat As Your Team?

Are you in the same boat as your team?  Do you find yourself doing a lot of rowing while your team are in other boats going in different or even opposite directions?  If so, it’s time to make some changes.

  • First of all, get your team in the same boat – all of you rowing the same boat in the same direction.  Aligned with your team, you will be able to go further and faster in achieving your goals and dreams.  
  • Next, make sure your team knows what the final destination (goal) is and the target date for completion.  This will help reduce or eliminate the risk of burn-out while instilling a sense of urgency for the team to do what they must (work hard) to reach the goal by the target date.
  • Finally, your job is to make sure your team are in sync in their rowing; otherwise, they will be working against each other as well as against you.  Placement of the team – having the right people in the right positions – is essential for peak performance. You are essentially the coxswain of the boat.

Managed correctly, a group aligned can accomplish so much more than any individual.

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Posted in Teamwork

Today’s Motivation:

  • Problems are not signs. They are guidelines.