Blog Archives

What’s That?

This week, my granddaughter (19) showed us her most recent independent purchase – a tattoo.  Admittedly, I am not a fan of tattoos, but I do understand the significance and meaning often attached to them.  Hers was no exception. The

Posted in Mindset, News

Refreshing as Rain

It’s raining outside my window at home.  Not a downpour, but a nice, steady Spring rain.  All is quiet as I listen to the patter of the raindrops.  For a brief moment, all chaos, worry, and noise from everyday life

Posted in Mindset, News

Know Your Numbers

If I asked you how your business was doing financially, would you be able to tell me in numbers rather than “good”, “not so good”, “could be better”, or “I don’t know”?  Well, most small business owners I’ve talked with

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Stress – can’t live with it, can’t seem to live without it!  However, much of the stress we have is self-inflicted. By that I mean we often make more out of difficult tasks and time-limits than what we should.  Think

Posted in News, Time Management

Exciting News From Dogwood

I am excited to announce my “Business Builders” and “Lunch & Learn” programs are actually going to happen!  Teaming up with Mr. Pete Emmons of On-Track Consulting LLC, our first monthly “Business Builders” session will be held on Thursday January

Posted in News

Today’s Motivation:

  • Good. Better. Best. Never let it rest. “Til your good is better and your better is best.